Below is a copy of my email dated 02DEC2007.
However, my own company, Microdyne Company, is now interested in building cases to fit the GA-2761GXDK board.
We are already designing the tooling for this case and expect to have a prototype soon. We have already shown a mock-up of this case to cardboard box manufacturer who can supply these boxes in very large volumes.
To proceed with these plans we urgently need confirmation that the dimensions for this board are 8.0 x 6.7 and which side of the board has the 8.0 dimension and which side is 6.7
Henry Keultjes President Microdyne Company Mansfield Ohio USA Direct 419-525-1111
This relates to the Toy Time project where, for more than ten years, we have given used computers to needy kids at Christmas time. For clarification, Toy Time used to operate under the Toys for Tots national umbrella but the people of Mansfield objected to using part of their donations to support a huge and, by Mansfield standards, overpaid national staff with the president earning $280,000 a year, so we became Toy Time about fifteen years ago and all work is still done by volunteers. What cash we get we use to pay for utilities and such building related expenses.
Instead of the current practice, giving these kids whatever usable hardware is donated with a new ME install, we are planning to get a small grant to buy newer AMD Athlon-64 based boards so we can give these kids identical configurations installed in the donated hardware. The reason for this change is that we want to teach these kids how to assemble and troubleshoot PC hardware as well as teaching them how to install Linux and then teach them programming, rather than just giving them machines that they use mostly as toys. Supporting those teaching functions with the great variety of hardware configurations that we donate now would be an impossible task.
In emails with several people on the LinuxBIOS list I expressed the desire to start this project with LinuxBIOS on a previous generation board that is in plentiful supply and cheap like an AMD Athlon-64 single core board. However, the ultimate objective all along has been to use AMD Athlon-64 DTX boards for the next generation of this project because all of the kids that get these computers are poor and reducing electricity usage is therefore one of our objectives.
It seems that with the development thrust on newer boards that skipping the first stage and going directly to DTX motherboards is achievable and indeed, the LinuxBIOS list shows your project in Green already. GIGABYTE GA-2761GXDK (Churchill)DTX AMD K8 SiS761GX/SiS966 ITE IT8716F AMD Sempron^(TM) / Athlon^(TM) 64 / FX / X2 (?) Socket AM2 OK Tutorial
Would your company be willing to make at least one and preferably two of the GA-2761GXDK boards with LinuxBIOS installed available so that we can get the development stage of this project started with the objective of having fifteen machines ready by 01 June 2008?
I appreciate your attention to this request!
Henry Keultjes Toy Time 280 North Diamond Mansfield OH 44902 Direct 419-525-1111
Lilian Chiang (GBT) wrote: