On 22.05.2007 02:52, ron minnich wrote:
A shame, too, but transmeta was always pretty hard to deal with. There was a company that very clearly violated the GPL by shipping a transmeta-based machine running linuxbios, and never releasing source to their customers. They kept telling me transmeta would not let them release the code. I never found out the truth, i.e. who would not allow what to be released. That company is out of business, their code is lost forever. A sad story.
If that happens again, we might just sue the offender. http://www.gpl-violations.org has achieved great success with that method. Even if we don't manage to get the offender to release the code, we can stop sales of the product which will hurt them enough to rethink their strategy. Plus, vendors will not think stealing code is OK.
Regards, Carl-Daniel