On Monday 16 February 2004 7:12 am, Andy Pearce wrote:
I've been watching the list and saw the comment from Ron
"I think you're much better off with an adapter for compact flash. That's an open, widely used standard which has worked well for us."
Can you explain this a bit, does it mean that its possible to some how redirect the rom from which the PC boots ? i.e. switch it to a CF adapter card ?
A CF adapter simply make the CF card appear to be an IDE device as far as the machien is concerned, therefore you use the CF the same way you'd otherwise use an IDE hard drive.
You can get single and dual CF adapters, they can be set to master or slave; they simply plug into the standard IDE cable, or sometimes into the motherbard IDE header. As far as your machine is concerned, you simply have a rather low capacity hard drive (by today's standards).