* Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net [060523 19:52]:
Ronald G Minnich wrote:
Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
the VSM Ron mailed yesterday to olpc-devel can be compressed very well to under 32 kb.
65536 vsa_test.64k-0001.bin 35587 vsa_test.64k-0001.bin.nrv2b 32143 vsa_test.64k-0001.bin.lzma
Is the VSM executed after RAM is there and can we use compression for it? 50% savings are really good.
yes, this is great. I want to move to the new compression asap.
See my other patch to the list which adds the decompression code and infrastructure. I'm preparing another patch which will make use of all that code. The patches I sent until now do not modify any existing code, so they should be safe to apply.
Can you try and see whether we can exchange the assembler nrv2b code in crt0.S.lb with something gcc compiled? This would make the whole compression thing nicely pluggable..