* Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net [070818 04:49]:
Even if some new code for overclocking will be written, there is still the question whether we want such code in LinuxBIOS. Usually people blame the stuff which gives them the ability to shoot themselves in the foot. I don't want people blaming LinuxBIOS because it allowed them to overclock their machines until the hardware failed.
One thing I am concerned is that adding all the hooks for overclocking snafus the algorithms we implemented to do things in a "optimal but not overclocking" way.
If people come up with patches that allow overclocking without making the code hard to understand and follow, I would vote for it to go into the tree.
The value of overclocking is very questionable in times where hardware is so fast and cheap and has so little scope left for gains. This was way different back when you could overclock a 68000 from 8 to 28 MHz and just add passive cooling. Or wire your 68882 from 25 to 50MHz. Nowadays you sit for quite some hours before you get a half ways stable setup which gives you a speed gain of 10%. If some master overclocker can prove me wrong, please do :-)