On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 18:12 +0200, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
However, once that code comes anywhere near v3, expect it to explode badly, especially when the machine is already unable to boot and loads recovery code over serial. Do not expect us to sprinkle watchdog pokes
I guess there are two ways to look at the watchdog timer:
1) it's a mystery, due to lack of board schematics, board vendor support, chip schematics, chip vendor support. This leads to headaches "why is this happening... it keeps resetting when we turned watchdog off.. or is there *another* disable register we didn't get told about" and we're battling N number of other mystery registers already.
2) armed with board schematics and chip vendor support, and perfectly designed reset domains, we imagine a software for our sattelite that can be upgraded from the ground, with no fear of "bricking" it, that is self correcting etc.
so #1 is more "present reality", while #2 is something to start laying the groundwork for.