Dear Felix, dear Varad,
Varad, welcome to coreboot!
Am Freitag, den 06.03.2015, 21:50 +0100 schrieb Felix Held:
I dumped the BIOS binary for a Radeon GPU and am trying to make sense of it using the atombios kernel header [1] - are there any resources on ATOMBIOS internals I can use? I believe the GPU initialization can be done by tracing the dump contents as suggested in this thread [2], but cannot figure how new ATOMBIOS tables would be created and used. I also need to check the coreboot source to plan how this can be implemented.
If you plan to work on native gfx init for AMD, talk to mrnuke; he already did quite some work on that.
Alexandru has already pushed change sets for review [1][2][3]. Additionally he wrote some posts touching this topic, which you can read in the coreboot blog [4].
Additionally there are several threads on this mailing list, where this topic was discussed.
I wish you the best of luck with your application!
[1] [2] [3] [4]