On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 08:42:51PM -0500, Richard Smith wrote:
Richard: Is GPLv2 or later fine? Are you the copyright owner or maybe a company you work for?
GPLv2 or later is fine for me. That said however, very little of that som_gx533 and p2b code was created by me. The som stuff is a copy of the Rumba board and the p2b is a copy of the ims stuff. The ims stuff is a mix and match from several of the other boards. I just stuck it all together and then fixed a few quirks to make the SPD code work.
Hm, ok, so more investigations are needed. I think it's pretty common in the code-base that stuff gets copied and modified. We need to find the person(s) who created the original "template" code and add them as co-authors to those "Copyright 200x" lines...
Do archives of the older CVS trees (with full history) still exist? The svn history only goes back to an "import of freebios2" or so entry. Ah, I just noted that the v1 tree seems to go back to an earlier date. Does it contain _all_ history of the code or was something used before CVS back then?