Quoting Joseph Smith joe@smittys.pointclark.net:
Quoting Corey Osgood corey.osgood@gmail.com:
Joseph Smith wrote:
Quoting Peter Stuge peter@stuge.se:
value = 9
(2 << (value - 1))
Bit shift is fine methinks but I would suggest:
(1 << value)
instead of
(2 << (value - 1))
Not sure I understand. I am trying to get 2 "to the power of" value.
if value = 9 (1 << value) This equals 18???? Not 2^9 = 512 where (2 << (value - 1)) (2 << (9 - 1)) 2 << 8 = 512
Thanks - Joe
remember that 2 = (1 << 1). so 2 << (value - 1) = 1 << value. I'm not sure where you're getting an 18 from, that makes no sense at all (since 18 in either hex or dec has two non-zero bits, so it's impossible to get that result with just that binary shift).
Well lets see if value = 9, which is 1001 in binary. If you bitshift 1001 one position to the left it becomes 10010, correct? Which is 18 in decimal.
Thanks - Joe
Nevermind I get it. I was looking at it bass ackwards :-) Sorry, I'm a little tired.
Thanks - Joe