* ron minnich rminnich@gmail.com [061107 04:25]:
The issue of booting XP just will not go away.
So, there are two options I see, in order of preference:
- find some way, using kexec etc., to boot XP under Linux, then put Linux in
FLASH; done 2. revive ADLO
there have been a number of suggestions for how to do the first one.
- freeldr (vapor?)
- tinyldr (vapor?)
I had a quick chat about tinyldr this morning with Alex Ionescu, the author of tinykernl.
It seems we can actually use most of NTLDR without any change. The only component we actually have to provide seems to be "startup.com" which is an abstracted interface doing all the bios callbacks.
I consider this really great news.
He sent me this URL: http://svn.tinykrnl.org/svn/tinykrnl/base/boot/tbx86/
TBX86 is his version of startup.com.