As per the coreboot FAQ [1], am I writing to ask for help with my system.
It is a Gigabyte BRIX compact PC GB-XM14-1037. They don't provide a lot of detailed information on the product page: The high level tech specs say: 3rd generation Intel® Celeron® 1037U 1.8GHz Chipset Intel® NM70
I've attached an lspci -tvnnn output to this email.
Superiotool (run from today's git) found a ITE IT8728F; the full output is attached.
A flashrom (run from today's trunk) output of: flashrom -p internal -V indicates that it's one of MX25L6405(D), MX25L6406E/MX25L6436E, MX25L6445
Full output of flashrom is also attached.
A picture of the BIOS chip is attached; the fuzzy reading would suggest it's a MX25L6406E.
Side note: does it make sense to amend the FAQ to suggest the '-p internal'?
I'm also trying to be available on IRC as nick jwhite if that's easier.
Guidance is appreciated.