At 10:50 AM 10/3/02 -0400, you wrote:
Have you tried hdparm /dev/whateverX (or hdparm -t /dev/whateverX)? This will give you a more accurate result (IMHO) and it will allow you to set the DMA settings on the drive.
Yes, I do. And the results are very close to those that I got with dd. The problem whith hdparm is that it only gives the performance in reading not in writing.
I found why I cannot set the UDMA mode 3/4/5. My board has a 44 pin ide connector and the cable that come with it convert from 44 pins to a 40 pins. To be able to set the UDMA mode 3/4/5, I must used a 80 wires cable. I try on another "slow" PC and there not a great difference of performance between the UDMA mode 2 and the UDMA mode 5.