Thanks for the offer. I was already in touch with the SimNOW group w/i AMD. (Trying all avenues to find a fix)
Turns out it was the max_map_count value being set to low. John Slice recommended a value of 8388608 and this works. I have changed my sysctl.conf to set this on boot.
Now for the next issue, LAB is failing on linuxrc[1] trap divide error. I saw this before and have booted (need to reverify) FILO successfully. I had narrowed it down to the Linux and not coreboot, need to debug this further to find the problem...
********************* Marc Karasek MTS Sun Microsystems ph:770.360.6415 *********************
Jordan Crouse wrote:
On 20/03/08 15:33 -0400, Marc Karasek wrote:
I have gotten some cycles and they removed our proxy server (hurrah!!!). So I recompiled the BIOS fro SimNOW using buildrom on my test machine.
When I went to run SimNOW is Seg Faults. I tried it with the default BIOS image for the Cheetah BSD, I also tried one of the other BSDs. All of them Seg Fault. :-(
I made the mistake of updating Fedora8_64 with the latest RPMs. Lesson learned, if it ain't broke don't fix it...
Does anyone have any idea what, I am guessing, package could be causing this? I have tried with both kernels that are on the machine, with no success. It did work at one point, before the update. I can nuke the box and reinstall f8_64, but would rather not.
See if you can get a core dump and send it to me with the details of your system - I'll send it to the SimNow team to see if they can see whats up.
Also, you can try to send me your ROM and I'll see if I can break it.