Steve Gehlbach writes:
Eric W. Biederman wrote:
The requirements of these small tweaks when building are why I am convinced that in the long run we need actual compiler support. Either in gcc or in one we write ourselves. For now we have an easier way to generate the assembly code.
Actually I don't mind the inline tweaking approach and I think it is easier to write and debug than assy, but others will disagree.
The only part I don't like is that you have to keep the .S files around...
My concern is that a register-only compiler may be an intractable problem, and any way you go at it (custom or .md file for gcc) you will have to tweak and craft the C code just as much.
It should have problems only when you run out of registers, which I think is a rather different problem.
If in fact this is true, then the benefit over inlining gcc seems minimal. Wish there were a way to answer this question before you invest a month of time.
Oh. I think I can have some answers in less than a month. That is just what I have allocated for investigation. But it will take a week or so to get something working well enough to compare with the inline tweaking approach.
Plus write now I am enjoying the change of pace.