Thanks Christian
My questions are about running coreboot on an ASUS KFN4-D16 with an NVIDIA CK804 chipset and a SST SST49LF080A (BIOS?) chip 33-4C-NHE 0631138-B I .... 45nm "Shanghai" opteron 2376 - this CPU isn't supported by the ASUS BIOS.
Do you know if the board can physically support the CPU?
According to ASUS "no", but I am guessing that this is because they haven't updated the BIOS I thought that all socket F boards should support shanghai opterons?
Do you want to run the board with a mixed setup of both CPUs?
not really, well I would if was possible, I just assumed that it wasn't.
A. does FAM10 refer to 45nm Opterons (eg 2376)
and to 65nm quad cores
OK, thanks
Is your shanghai a CPU from a store? (= no engineering sample)
yes, from shop in UK
The terminology is that the northbridge is in the CPU
thanks, I think I understand, so older style boards had separate northbridge chips but the socket f boards + opteron have northbridge in the CPU?