* Ward Vandewege ward@gnu.org [070302 22:47]:
OK, I've used flashrom/biossavior on a Tyan box to get the *actual* contents of the chip (I hope!).
I didn't notice that change in 0000fd94 in the previous diffs, so it's basically the same phenomenon as with flashrom on the gigabyte machine itself
- 3 bytes change between boots.
Between _every_ boot? How do the bytes change every time in 5 boots? Are bytes just increasing?
So.... are flashrom and Q-flash doing the right thing (disabling shadowing), and if so, what's causing those 3 bytes to be different each time?
Yes, shadow handling seems to work fine. The BIOS has _some_ reason to change it's config (which is far bigger than the 256 bytes of nvram nowadays, --> ESCD/DMI)
Have you changed the configuration of the machine? (Enable/Disable Floppy, ...?)
Can you please observe the changes over several consequtive reboots (5 or so)