On 28.05.2009 21:04, Alexander Gordeev wrote:
On Thursday 28 May 2009 15:58:16 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
On 27.05.2009 21:31, Alexander Gordeev wrote:
I also found the SuperIO pin, which is connected to WE pin of flash: it is pin 71, PSIN/GP45 as I've learned from the datasheet. However, I was only able to find it8712f datasheet which may be a bit different from it8712f-a. You can obtain a foto of the chip from here: http://lvk.cs.msu.su/~lasaine/it8712f-a.png The pin is marked.
Wow, that's very precise and helpful information. Thanks!
I did my best :)
Could you also trace the WP# (and TBL#) pin? It seems that my first attempt to guess the right pin was incorrect.
I'll be happy to provide any additional information if needed.
Can you please run superiotool -de and post the output to the list? That will help me use the correct polarity for the write enable routine.
Sure, attached.
Great, thanks!
Decode follows. GPIOs: 11(SIO), 12(inverted), 13, 14(SIO), 16(SIO), 17(SIO), 35(pullup), 40(pullup), 53 all SIOs are Input SIO base: 0x0800
That leads me to the assumption that the WP# pin is probably not connected to the SuperIO and the WE# pin may be connected to the SuperIO, but without function.
Regards, Carl-Daniel