VIA EPIA 800Mhz DIP2PLCC adapter DoC Millenium 8MB Slackware 9.0 on the HD
I downloaded via CVS the latest version of Linuxbios and made my epia.config file. I can hotswap my BIOS chip with the DoC and Linux sees it when I load the modules. I can erase the chip and write whatever to it.
I can build a romimage (256k) with Linuxbios but I don't have to guts yet to flash it on my original chip. *** Can I write it on the DoC? How?
I don't seem to be able to build with the USE_DOC_MIL=1 option set in the config file. The make command always result in a failure, because "dd" doesn't have a valid argument for the size (it's a negative value). *** What are the values needed in the config file to prepare Linuxbios to be flashed on a DoC? I tried ROM_SIZE=838xxxx but the resulting "romimage" file is too big for the DoC.
*** What are the steps to write the BIOS onto the DoC? Can I go step by step and check out what's wrong easily?
Here's what I tried yesterday (by heart).
modprobe doc2001 && modprobe docecc && modprobe docprobe (my DoC is found) erase /dev/mtd0 0 1024 (which erases the entire DoC, right?) dd if=docpil of=/dev/mtd0 (docipl is supposed to be at the first block, right?) dd if=docipl of=/dev/mtd0 seek=1 (docipl is at the second block too, right?) dd if=romimage.via-rhine of=/dev/mtd0 seek=2 (i TRIED by guess to put the romimage I built earlier right after the two docipl) reboot (shut off the computer beacuse it hangs at "Rebooting the system...") When I power it up, nothing comes up on my serial console, just like when I tried starting the board without a BIOS chip.
What can I do to test gradually my setup? What did I did wrong? Help me out please ;-)