On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 12:40:17PM +0500, dkotian3@vsnl.net wrote:
Thanks Greg,
I think, that is very good overview about the flow. It may be good idea to continue this flow on this thread or somewhere else. I think,One cannot expect Greg to do all the documentation as Peter said 8-10 hours is a lot of time. May be out of the many implementors in this forum, if one contributes by giving more details about any one of these files in detail of one's own choice ,basically significance,flow about it and Do's and Dont's,etc and any experiences. Probably a structure needs to be proposed as well and rest should fall in place for documentation at least. If not 8 hours by one person, atleast an hour can be contributed may not be an issue.
There has been a lot of good information sent to the mailing list but unfortunately it can be hard to find in the archives because of the low S/N ratio. Please don't get me wrong though, I think this list is very nice, I'm just saying that I've thought to myself "that's good documentation, it should be saved somewhere" a couple of times when reading some emails with stuff that's completely trivial to several readers, but quite valuable to myself and other (relative to complete) newbies.