On Mon, 5 May 2008 07:54:32 -0700, "Ed Swierk" eswierk@arastra.com wrote:
On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Joe joe@settoplinux.org wrote:
My bad. Those & and | operators always get me... But does it allow the system to reboot?
Yes, rebooting works on the Intel 3100 development board. Can you increase the log level to 9 and see exactly where your board is hanging?
I don't have a bootlog off hand, but when rebooting it just starts to
after the northbridge dump in raminit.c. I think because it is just a
reset the cpu needs a reset? That's why I was wondering if your code works. It should work fine for the RM4100, the DRC bit 29 is the same. I will give it a try and report back. I think, to keep things simplified I am just going to put the memory_initialized() function in raminit.c, and call it from auto.c.
Well, it now seems to get further than before with the cpu reset.
is a full debug bootlog. Now it says "rebooting...", seems to skip memory initialization, and hangs on trying to re-initialize the devices. Help :-(
Here is a thought. Couldn't I just tell it to do a hard reset if memory_initialized() is true?