#134: flashrom crashes systems with WPC876x/WPCE775x embedded controller on LPC bus () --------------------------------------------------------------+------------- Reporter: Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@…> | Owner: somebody Type: defect | Status: reopened Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: flashrom (please use trac on flashrom.org) | Resolution: Keywords: aspire laptop wpce775l ec embedded controller | Dependencies: Patch Status: there is no patch | --------------------------------------------------------------+------------- Changes (by hailfinger):
* status: closed => reopened * resolution: wontfix =>
Could you please try to run superiotool again? The latest revision (r5667) has support for your EC and should work (unless the laptop manufacturer reconfigured the EC to listen on another address).
Besides that, flashrom (0.9.2 or later) should detect that it is running on a laptop and abort immediately before anything bad can happen. We plan to whitelist some laptops eventually, but for now we're going the safe route. If flashrom does not detect your laptop as laptop, please file a new bug at http://www.flashrom.org/trac/flashrom/newticket
I have reopened this ticket for now to keep it active until we know if superiotool works for you.