Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2008-04-27 kell 20:32, kirjutas Joe:
I like it! Will it be released with distros, etc?
If the distro in question chooses to package it. Some already package arbitrary snapshots from SVN; after releases start to happen they can just dub these packages with a good version number.
If so, every time it goes up a version we would need to release an update patch correct?
That's the distributions choice if they will version bump it or not. I don't know about "update patch", I in Gentoo Linux would just package the next version, and not include any patches that bring it to the level of the next version. I think that's what you have meant too, but some distributions do include patches of code for some reason sometimes instead of just packaging the new version.
With his Gentoo developers hat on this time, Mart Raudsepp