On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 12:21:00PM -0700, Kenji Noguchi wrote:
Hi Uwe
I just applied your patch and looked at the common/gx1-base/*. How do I add my board to the code tree?
It seems board specific codes which used to be in independent files are now placed in #ifdef chain. Should I add another #elif...?
Yes, basically.
And you need a symlink from
src/mainboard/XXXX/YYYYY -> src/mainboard/common/gx1-base
That sounds not right. Is there other way to refactor?
I can't think of a better way to do it, but I'm open to suggestions. The #elif's are a cheap price when we can get rid of all the duplicated files we had before.
There are just 2-3 places where you have to add your board in the #elif.
On the long run (in v3 maybe) we could make the framework a bit more generic, to allow to plug in different Super I/Os etc., without having to #ifdef all of them...