* Corey Osgood corey_osgood@verizon.net [070412 05:19]:
Can someone run some tests on getpir and checkpir? Last time I ran it, about a week ago on the jetway j7f2we1g, getpir came up with a different checksum than checkpir did.
This means the pirq table is broken.
Also, am I correct in the understanding that if Linux boots with acpi=off and acpi disabled in the BIOS, that getpir should produce a usable irq_tables.c?
Not necessarily. There's also the mptable for interrupts and the bios might just set up interrupts in the hardware without producing a correct table at all.
Usually mptable handles your interrupts and pirq table handles your peer busses, iirc. It's really broken stuff. In the BIOS and in Linux.