i have a strange problem with executing payloads under coreboot.
What *do* work:
- CoreBoot-V2 from SVN repository + Tint Payload or - CoreBoot-V2 from SVN repository + EtherBoot 5.2.6 or 5.4.4 Payload or - CoreBoot-V2 from SVN repository + coreinfo Payload
I can even use the coreinfo.elf or tint.elf as bootfile with "normal" clients which only have a gPXE rom.
But i can't use a linux kernel as a NBI or ELF image with etherboot 5.2.6 or 5.4.4.
I used the tools mknbi and wraplinux for making an NBI or elf image from the kernel. I also tried to make an NBI image from a working gPXE.lkrn image.
I make everything exactly as described here: http://markmail.org/message/ncdrofxylpofgl5m?q=nbi+gpxe especially -> wraplinux -N gpxe.lkrn > gpxe.nbi
Neither a kernel NBI image or a gpxe NBI image do work. The gpxe.lkrn works perfectly from grub or PXE Bootmenu.
As current gpxe version doesn't compile as a compatible payload for coreboot i have to use etherboot 5.4.4 which can only load NBI or ELF images.
So i wanted to use the etherboot payload in coreboot as a chainloader for a gpxe elf/nbi image. But, it doesn't work.
The gpxe.nbi image doesn't work as a coreboot payload, neither as a loadable image for a normal client with a gpxe rom loader, like tint.elf or coreinfo.elf do.
Coreboot and gPXE loads the NBI file, printing "... ok, rhine disable" - and hang - no further output on screen or serial console.
The Hardware is a bcom-winnet-p680. (Via C7 CPU and Chipset + Via VT6102 [Rhine-II] 1106:3065
Do anyone have an idea why this doesn't work?