Any ideas? It seems unlikely that the bochs stuff would be
that fragile so I must be missing something.
It is :/
turn off some deubgging stuff. it helps keep code smaller.
Can you explain why turning off debugging macros can help?. I have problems when I enabled debug macros. It fail to run bochs bios. But If I turn off all debug macros, it boot normally.
I think there are two reasons for this.
One is that there are number of legacy entry points into bios. They are pretty much "uniformly" scattered across the 64kb address space. Making the available space non-contignous. (doing 'grep .org rombios.c' will show you all those).
The second is that adding debugging information I think adds lots of more static code to be compiled in. Both the text messages as well as the code to the print them.
Thus i think the combined extra code with fact that the space is noncontignous causes it to breaksomewhere. But that's just a guess It might as well turn out to be something else. I did not investiage it too closely.