just a small heads-up (well, two):
FILO is now managed by Gerrit, using Jenkins for build-testing it. It uses the latest libpayload of coreboot to validate that things work.
I also cleaned out coreboot's patchwork instance some more - we now have less than 200 "unhandled" patches there, some of which might have been committed with small changes (so the automatic tool didn't pick it up), or exist several times with small variations (patch iterations on the list). These are marked "Accepted" or "Superseded" as appropriate.
I started moving other patches (really unhandled patches, that weren't noticed back then) to Gerrit, using the original author + date for the git commits (using the original author has the benefit that they're spammed by Gerrit about the patch status). Afterwards I marked them "accepted" in patchwork (since they're properly tracked now).
I'd appreciate help with eliminating the backlog.