#174: Unable to boot from qemu-kvm -- seems to be a cbfs problem -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: czw[+]660[+]@… | Owner: stepan@… Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: coreboot | Resolution: Keywords: | Dependencies: Patch Status: there is no patch | -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by anonymous):
Ok, I've managed to boot with both r6325 and r6331, using both seabios stable and latest master version (d7137a30635b504203ae97510e8609bb350ee0f7), by enabling yabel emulation. Still getting the same error - 'Could not find fallback/payload' - if 'YABEL_DIRECTHW' is set, though, so it would seem a problem related to the way coreboot interfaces with qemu-kvm 0.12.5 emulated hw, or the way the vga rom is loaded/run (that's the same for both qemu's and your patched version).
Yet no floppies (neither emulated by qemu, nor embedded into coreboot). In any case (even with qemu's bios.bin), freedos gets some troubles to recognize the geometry of emulated cdrom (option -cdrom) and ide disk (option -hda), but it can read from them with stable seabios, whereas it fails with the newer version I've tested (it blocks). Also, the newer seabios causes a kvm problem on reboot (hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del kvm exits with error "unhandled exit ffffffff").
The latter problems would seem seabios-related, though I can't tell, at this stage, if that's a real seabios pitfall or whether seabios changes hit another problem in coreboot, or in qemu, or if that's a combination of problems/diverging design choices of those three.