On 05.04.2018 18:15, Matt DeVillier wrote:
my instinct is to put it in the 3rd party blobs repo, since it's added to the CBFS w/o modification (ie, is treated like a blob), unlike the SPD hex files which are selectively ordered and assembled into the spd.bin (ie, treated as source).
Files are concatenated, I don't see how this is treating sth. as source.
For the example case you sited of users building coreboot images for Chromebooks (eg), they still need numerous other platform/device specific blobs (ie, FSP), so having the vbt alone in the main repo is really not of any consequence.
That's very wrong. For instance I would have added Skylake+ backlight support to coreboot over a year ago if the information wasn't hidden in a secret lair. Not having information published early and conveniently accessible is always of consequence. You might just not know in what ways yet. ;)
I'd also like to see those other required blobs in the 3rd party blobs repo, but that's an entirely separate issue :)