* Christian Sühs chris@suehsi.de [060511 15:54]:
It seems, I have to write my own entry16.inc code for the gx1. The default entry16.inc should enable the cache for example, but there are written false values to the cr0 register.
no. very very unlikely. Just write the correct values in auto.c is enough.
Ok, for the GX1 the EM is set to 0; Emulate Processor Extension, if EM = 1 all flaoting point instructions causes a DNA fault 7
This is done twice for the gx1. First in entry16.inc Later with enable_fpu.inc
Is it posible to remove the line from the Config.lb for the fpu?
Possibly possible, if the gx1 does all that.. But this will not take more than a couple cycles, so the difference in size and time is not measurable without quite some effort.