Am attempting to resolve one of the last listed High Impact Outstanding AGESA Coverity issues (1376956), but am struggling to determine the programmer's intent. In /src/vendorcode/amd/agesa/f15tn/Proc/CPU/Family/0x15/cpuF15MmioMap.c line 236, Coverity complains about the 12 element MmioRange array getting overrun in MmioRange[MmioPair + i].Base when MmioPair == 11. I see it will also get overrun when lower values of MmioPair combine with higher values of i. Thus my question: what are they trying to accomplish with that for loop? If I could figure that out, I could figure out how to fix the code. I've spent 8+ hours on this and consulted the BKDG, but it did not go into detail on how MMIO registers get allocated.
PS Thanks to Jacob Garber for his assistance getting started with Git and putting up with my beginner questions.