The scope question was answered by Myles already.
And your code shows one processor, the original code shows four processors (I have one single-core CPU).
I choose to generate the code just for cores which exists.
It seems that your code also fixes the message "powernow-k8: ph2 null fid transition 0xa", but I am not sure whether this is an artifact of my testing setup.
It imho says that it is already there. Quite harmless messages.
I tested switching from maximum powersave to maximum performance in a tight loop (0.1 seconds delay between state changes) and it survived 262 changes in each direction. After that, I stopped the test because it seemed to work.
Well this change just tables not the chipset setup, but it is fine that it works.
If you are sure that your code can handle multicore/multiprocessor constellations and if you can explain that additional backslash before _PR, the patch is
Acked-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net
Committed revision 3955.
Ok thanks,
Attached are acpidumps and bootlogs without and with your patch.
Regards, Carl-Daniel