* Christian Sühs chris@suehsi.de [060422 12:42]:
I get a lot of numbers on the console for about 5 seconds, than the screen switched to black and the monitor lost the signal and goes to stand by. The system is still running but only <strg><alt><del> helps.
good sign, it actually starts working (or doing something)
Can you catch those "numbers" to a file?
Mmmh, both systems runs in FB Mode, could that be the reason for no more output? Should I try the bios on a real console?
Yes, definitely. The graphics card bios will reinitialize the card in VGA mode, so Linux will be definitely confused if it suddenly has no pixel based graphics mode anymore.
What does USER Space mean in the wiki?
it means "running after login as a user" as opposed to "running in the bios" or "running as a part of the (linux) kernel"