Maybe I need some direction where to ask my question.
Who am I ? ==========
I'm Timmo' at (in-buiding stage) http://potchan.org. On my upcoming site I simplify a PuppyLinux fork named Muppy to a target of d' most lefthanded innocent users available.
My three "technical demands" from a Potchan (=opener) user R:
1. Can you send an email on your own ? 2. Can you make a toast with a TOASTER without a technician's aid ? 3. Can you adjust 1st. BIOS boot to CD/DVD-ROM ? (-this 3rd. one is an OBSTICLE to many innocent ones).
Me myself stand on a better place technically, but not too much better than this.
Where I succeed simplification ? ================================
The main Potchan sits on an unzipped folder 2Gb+ you put on root HD ("c" or "d" don't matter). You can do it from your Windows/else session.
Next, with one click user burns about 7M bootie files on CD.
This is AFAIK my succeed without any help.
Where do I FAIL simplification ? ================================
The CD doesn't "tell" PC where to boot itself. If BIOS is not configured as CD/DVD to B its 1st. boot - the user I want so much is about to freaks-out on me, or even worse: needs help from a buddy. This buddy can help but it also unsimplifies process. A buddy can also influence "my" innocent one not to go-on. So I lose my 'examplar' user before getting even my 1st. real one ...
I'd like my 3rd. demand - a HUGE barrier to manyones - to be cancelled.
So my question is : ====================
Can my bootCD/DVD tell PC to bypass whatever BIOS says and boot from CD/DVD ? (If you don't have a clue. Who does ?)