Can I get a copy of both of your trees, and I'll try to get it working again? I've got the next couple days off, and I should be working on my project car, but I supposed I can take a break for a little coreboot. My last rendition before I lost everything had both IDE and SATA working, and before that I had them working individually, but not both at once.
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:08 AM, bari wrote:
Your auto.c includes: #include "southbridge/via/vt8237r/vt8237r_early_serial.c"
this is not in the current tree. Please send a copy of this file.
aaron lwe wrote:
Do you have a working version of coreboot for the epia-cn?
I attached the auto.c for epia-cn, the northbridge cn700 and southbridge vt8237r code are all available at svn src tree. note that for cn700 dram enable, the value for enable dll should be 0x120000, default ocd calibration should be 0x121c20 and exit calibration mode should be 0x120020. These values worked for me. If you still have problem with dram init, you should also change the values of D0F2 to be the same with your factory bios'.
The serial code is from vt8235.
I cannot make sata work with filo(not sure what's the problem), so I disabled sata in auto.c.
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