The killer for uefi for me are the security concerns.
For many outfits, nowadays, the closed nature, and the limited control, of UEFI is worrisome.
Here's a simple rule: open source almost always wins. I've seen almost no exceptions save maybe in compilers, and that only in special cases. Open source is the water that wears down the rock.
There's more and more interest in the last two years in coreboot. Customers really want it.
It's just that PC vendors are worried about providing it for some reason.
PC vendors need to be careful, they're building closed ecosystems now around the PC platform. It's quite amazing how much more closed the PC platform is than it was in 1994 or even 1999.
Closed ecosystems die.
Here at linuxcon and other recent conferences, all the real innovation and cool stuff is ARM-based. PCs are those big, expensive, hot, closed things that you're not allowed to hack. Really wonderful stuff being done on OMAP 35.