first of all I'm new to the coreboot project and just wanted to say Hello! :)
Now here my question: I have the supermicro mobo *H8QME-2+ http://www.supermicro.com/Aplus/motherboard/Opteron8000/MCP55/H8QME-2+.cfm *that is not supported by coreboot but there is a similar one at the coreboot v2 list: H8dmr http://www.supermicro.com/Aplus/motherboard/Opteron2000/MCP55/H8DMR-i2.cfm. What would happen if i compile a coreboot.rom for the H8dmr and flash into the H8QME-2+? What kind of changes do i have to do?
THX and ciao.