The whole boottime is slow. Lb is 15s slower as the factory bios in kernel booting.
- copying LB to RAM seems slow.
- copying kernel and intitrd.gz to RAM seems slow
- uncompressing kernel seems slow.
All operations to or in RAM seems to be 3 times slower as under factory.
For all:
I have test the system under factory and LB with lmbench. Here are the results in textform. PostScript output files were sent to Ron. Is somebody interested, I could send these files to him/her, too.
I hope somebody has an good answer, for the differences ;) I need the final hint.
// Factory bios
Simple syscall: 0.9600 microseconds Simple read: 2.3918 microseconds Simple write: 1.9787 microseconds Simple stat: 34.6497 microseconds Simple fstat: 3.4453 microseconds Simple open/close: 42.6172 microseconds Select on 10 fd's: 25.1296 microseconds Select on 100 fd's: 181.7419 microseconds Select on 250 fd's: 421.1667 microseconds Select on 500 fd's: 883.8333 microseconds Signal handler installation: 4.920 microseconds Signal handler overhead: 16.070 microseconds Protection fault: 3.541 microseconds Pipe latency: 30.8697 microseconds AF_UNIX sock stream latency: 114.1037 microseconds Process fork+exit: 2101.6667 microseconds Process fork+execve: 5921.0000 microseconds Process fork+/bin/sh -c: 38460.0000 microseconds File /usr/tmp/XXX write bandwidth: 12266 KB/sec Pagefaults on /usr/tmp/XXX: 12 usecs
"mappings 0.524288 63 1.048576 91 2.097152 147 4.194304 243 8.388608 409 16.777216 760
"File system latency 0k 1000 2420 12289 1k 1000 1465 6402 4k 1000 1383 6396 10k 1000 1037 5209
UDP latency using localhost: 268.1605 microseconds TCP latency using localhost: 529.0121 microseconds localhost: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer TCP/IP connection cost to localhost: 1586.5556 microseconds Socket bandwidth using localhost: 16.70 MB/sec Avg xfer: 3.2KB, 41.8KB in 49.0840 millisecs, 850.99 KB/sec AF_UNIX sock stream bandwidth: 18.33 MB/sec Pipe bandwidth: 28.55 MB/sec
"read bandwidth 0.000512 34.08 0.001024 51.92 0.002048 65.33 0.004096 56.90 0.008192 27.30 0.016384 24.78 0.032768 28.26 0.065536 28.44 0.131072 29.55 0.262144 28.65 0.524288 29.63 1.05 29.18 2.10 29.39 4.19 29.48 8.39 29.41 16.78 29.00
"read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 6.25 0.001024 9.76 0.002048 15.13 0.004096 16.01 0.008192 19.13 0.016384 23.12 0.032768 26.19 0.065536 28.47 0.131072 28.94 0.262144 28.92 0.524288 29.42 1.05 29.54 2.10 29.38 4.19 29.46 8.39 28.36 16.78 28.71
"Mmap read bandwidth 0.000512 335.31 0.001024 360.26 0.002048 374.30 0.004096 381.42 0.008192 385.99 0.016384 130.26 0.032768 111.84 0.065536 112.53 0.131072 112.39 0.262144 112.81 0.524288 113.19 1.05 113.19 2.10 113.34 4.19 113.40 8.39 113.42 16.78 113.43
"Mmap read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 3.37 0.001024 6.45 0.002048 11.83 0.004096 20.30 0.008192 30.98 0.016384 45.13 0.032768 59.90 0.065536 72.43 0.131072 81.10 0.262144 84.73 0.524288 88.23 1.05 90.12 2.10 91.20 4.19 91.87 8.39 92.38 16.78 91.49
"libc bcopy unaligned 0.000512 181.88 0.001024 166.07 0.002048 159.08 0.004096 154.96 0.008192 54.87 0.016384 37.60 0.032768 37.65 0.065536 37.16 0.131072 35.33 0.262144 37.72 0.524288 35.59 1.05 35.83 2.10 35.96 4.19 37.95 8.39 38.03
"libc bcopy aligned 0.000512 181.36 0.001024 166.41 0.002048 158.77 0.004096 155.13 0.008192 79.75 0.016384 38.71 0.032768 33.47 0.065536 34.72 0.131072 35.83 0.262144 35.66 0.524288 34.30 1.05 33.19 2.10 32.88 4.19 31.89 8.39 31.22
"unrolled bcopy unaligned 0.000512 78.50 0.001024 77.65 0.002048 77.10 0.004096 76.40 0.008192 74.12 0.016384 48.09 0.032768 42.16 0.065536 47.81 0.131072 44.12 0.262144 43.64 0.524288 45.17 1.05 43.94 2.10 43.49 4.19 43.59 8.39 42.31
"unrolled partial bcopy unaligned 0.000512 339.91 0.001024 321.87 0.002048 314.28 0.004096 308.66 0.008192 302.18 0.016384 72.57 0.032768 78.92 0.065536 91.61 0.131072 72.33 0.262144 72.37 0.524288 72.24 1.05 72.08 2.10 73.19 4.19 72.79 8.39 68.07
Memory read bandwidth 0.000512 398.59 0.001024 394.00 0.002048 391.75 0.004096 390.06 0.008192 386.22 0.016384 124.45 0.032768 106.41 0.065536 106.91 0.131072 107.10 0.262144 107.47 0.524288 107.70 1.05 107.78 2.10 107.88 4.19 107.94 8.39 107.94 16.78 107.97
Memory partial read bandwidth 0.000512 1510.70 0.001024 1471.08 0.002048 1459.23 0.004096 1443.90 0.008192 1426.68 0.016384 186.60 0.032768 147.81 0.065536 148.86 0.131072 148.95 0.262144 149.45 0.524288 149.58 1.05 149.73 2.10 150.04 4.19 150.29 8.39 150.32 16.78 150.13
Memory write bandwidth 0.000512 81.05 0.001024 77.64 0.002048 77.00 0.004096 80.24 0.008192 78.77 0.016384 76.65 0.032768 76.51 0.065536 76.70 0.131072 76.61 0.262144 76.49 0.524288 76.49 1.05 76.58 2.10 76.59 4.19 76.57 8.39 76.55 16.78 76.55
Memory partial write bandwidth 0.000512 335.73 0.001024 320.35 0.002048 313.17 0.004096 342.13 0.008192 309.40 0.016384 307.06 0.032768 305.86 0.065536 307.10 0.131072 305.86 0.262144 305.33 0.524288 305.40 1.05 305.35 2.10 305.35 4.19 305.40 8.39 304.95 16.78 304.77
Memory partial read/write bandwidth 0.000512 657.73 0.001024 646.30 0.002048 643.47 0.004096 637.52 0.008192 529.97 0.016384 66.52 0.032768 48.55 0.065536 62.41 0.131072 63.75 0.262144 63.09 0.524288 62.78 1.05 65.78 2.10 69.49 4.19 72.13 8.39 73.36 16.78 73.17
Memory bzero bandwidth 0.000512 165.47 0.001024 159.40 0.002048 155.87 0.004096 154.40 0.008192 152.56 0.016384 73.35 0.032768 64.76 0.065536 67.95 0.131072 66.03 0.262144 64.40 0.524288 64.55 1.05 65.10 2.10 66.90 4.19 67.70 8.39 67.46 16.78 66.72
// Linuxbios
Simple syscall: 1.0587 microseconds Simple read: 3.0496 microseconds Simple write: 2.2977 microseconds Simple stat: 39.5735 microseconds Simple fstat: 7.5697 microseconds Simple open/close: 53.2816 microseconds Select on 10 fd's: 30.4326 microseconds Select on 100 fd's: 244.9130 microseconds Select on 250 fd's: 571.6667 microseconds Select on 500 fd's: 1132.8000 microseconds Signal handler installation: 10.752 microseconds Signal handler overhead: 26.242 microseconds Protection fault: 3.764 microseconds Pipe latency: 37.8057 microseconds AF_UNIX sock stream latency: 124.3030 microseconds Process fork+exit: 2114.3333 microseconds Process fork+execve: 6837.0000 microseconds Process fork+/bin/sh -c: 47319.0000 microseconds File /usr/tmp/XXX write bandwidth: 10117 KB/sec Pagefaults on /usr/tmp/XXX: 15 usecs
"mappings 0.524288 66 1.048576 102 2.097152 164 4.194304 281 8.388608 509 16.777216 949
"File system latency 0k 1000 2235 10752 1k 1000 1300 5164 4k 1000 1224 5149 10k 1000 918 4063
UDP latency using localhost: 304.6211 microseconds TCP latency using localhost: 627.8740 microseconds localhost: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer TCP/IP connection cost to localhost: 1821.4375 microseconds Socket bandwidth using localhost: 14.70 MB/sec Avg xfer: 3.2KB, 41.8KB in 57.3850 millisecs, 727.89 KB/sec AF_UNIX sock stream bandwidth: 18.41 MB/sec Pipe bandwidth: 19.38 MB/sec
"read bandwidth 0.000512 19.77 0.001024 27.35 0.002048 38.14 0.004096 37.52 0.008192 32.68 0.016384 22.86 0.032768 26.28 0.065536 25.17 0.131072 27.13 0.262144 25.79 0.524288 27.63 1.05 26.66 2.10 27.39 4.19 27.40 8.39 27.93 16.78 28.31
"read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 4.62 0.001024 7.44 0.002048 12.11 0.004096 14.87 0.008192 18.90 0.016384 19.46 0.032768 24.69 0.065536 26.23 0.131072 25.82 0.262144 26.67 0.524288 25.89 1.05 26.90 2.10 26.77 4.19 27.17 8.39 27.63 16.78 27.01
"Mmap read bandwidth 0.000512 336.09 0.001024 359.72 0.002048 374.05 0.004096 383.24 0.008192 385.79 0.016384 236.49 0.032768 110.97 0.065536 110.72 0.131072 110.57 0.262144 110.89 0.524288 111.25 1.05 111.30 2.10 111.38 4.19 111.40 8.39 111.45 16.78 111.49
"Mmap read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 2.83 0.001024 5.45 0.002048 10.07 0.004096 16.53 0.008192 26.34 0.016384 38.39 0.032768 53.77 0.065536 67.27 0.131072 76.42 0.262144 82.76 0.524288 85.93 1.05 87.89 2.10 89.35 4.19 89.53 8.39 89.39 16.78 90.02
"libc bcopy unaligned 0.000512 73.99 0.001024 74.40 0.002048 74.61 0.004096 74.71 0.008192 66.59 0.016384 40.64 0.032768 33.67 0.065536 31.07 0.131072 33.16 0.262144 32.92 0.524288 32.76 1.05 33.16 2.10 32.74 4.19 32.84 8.39 32.21
"libc bcopy aligned 0.000512 73.95 0.001024 74.32 0.002048 74.85 0.004096 74.57 0.008192 70.46 0.016384 40.17 0.032768 29.74 0.065536 32.42 0.131072 31.61 0.262144 31.63 0.524288 32.10 1.05 32.28 2.10 31.78 4.19 31.33 8.39 29.15
"unrolled bcopy unaligned 0.000512 74.75 0.001024 74.61 0.002048 74.74 0.004096 74.69 0.008192 73.48 0.016384 59.93 0.032768 41.56 0.065536 40.22 0.131072 39.76 0.262144 40.53 0.524288 39.71 1.05 39.91 2.10 40.21 4.19 40.38 8.39 39.23
"unrolled partial bcopy unaligned 0.000512 297.85 0.001024 297.71 0.002048 298.54 0.004096 294.47 0.008192 294.19 0.016384 222.50 0.032768 60.30 0.065536 64.31 0.131072 63.56 0.262144 68.53 0.524288 64.84 1.05 64.28 2.10 65.24 4.19 66.06 8.39 62.29
Memory read bandwidth 0.000512 503.47 0.001024 441.51 0.002048 412.41 0.004096 402.22 0.008192 393.14 0.016384 229.19 0.032768 105.31 0.065536 105.31 0.131072 105.41 0.262144 105.73 0.524288 105.51 1.05 106.09 2.10 106.17 4.19 106.20 8.39 106.23 16.78 106.25
Memory partial read bandwidth 0.000512 6413.62 0.001024 2376.47 0.002048 2263.91 0.004096 1598.26 0.008192 1502.30 0.016384 622.78 0.032768 145.21 0.065536 146.23 0.131072 146.15 0.262144 146.74 0.524288 146.90 1.05 147.02 2.10 147.14 4.19 147.50 8.39 147.56 16.78 147.60
Memory write bandwidth 0.000512 74.58 0.001024 74.68 0.002048 74.77 0.004096 74.55 0.008192 74.78 0.016384 75.08 0.032768 74.74 0.065536 74.98 0.131072 74.81 0.262144 74.82 0.524288 74.87 1.05 74.99 2.10 74.97 4.19 74.95 8.39 74.96 16.78 74.94
Memory partial write bandwidth 0.000512 261.86 0.001024 279.25 0.002048 299.46 0.004096 298.74 0.008192 298.44 0.016384 298.11 0.032768 297.95 0.065536 299.20 0.131072 298.36 0.262144 298.52 0.524288 298.65 1.05 298.65 2.10 298.61 4.19 298.46 8.39 298.62 16.78 298.36
Memory partial read/write bandwidth 0.000512 298.30 0.001024 277.56 0.002048 296.72 0.004096 294.21 0.008192 294.64 0.016384 205.18 0.032768 89.60 0.065536 89.87 0.131072 89.87 0.262144 90.79 0.524288 90.01 1.05 90.50 2.10 90.55 4.19 90.47 8.39 90.49 16.78 90.53
Memory bzero bandwidth 0.000512 72.31 0.001024 73.77 0.002048 74.15 0.004096 74.49 0.008192 74.45 0.016384 71.12 0.032768 55.88 0.065536 55.98 0.131072 56.04 0.262144 56.16 0.524288 56.16 1.05 56.19 2.10 56.20 4.19 56.21 8.39 56.25 16.78 56.23