Ok I have made some progress: I finally tweaked mptable.c and devicetree.cb so that all peripherals work: The two ethernet NIC's, the Myrinet PCI-X card, IDE, USB and keyboard. Even the ILO (IPMI) card works fine with the ipmi driver in Linux 2.6.33.
I don't know why lspci reports that all IRQ pins have been routed to IRQ 0 though (?):
I don't know where lspci gets its values. It could be interesting to track it down, but if it works...
ACPI doesn't work (yet), but it just worked partially with the factory BIOS anyway. The SMBus and I2C devices work (they never worked with the factory BIOS).
The memory problem remains though. If only that can be solved, then I'm basically satisfied. Any hints?
Have you tried different configurations? Coreboot is only seeing the
RAM on
node 0. Where is the RAM on your board?
I use four 512MB DIMM's, two on each CPU, so there is one DIMM per channel. The DIMM's on CPU 0 are detected but the DIMM's on CPU 1 are not.
It's possible that there is a mux in the way that needs to be set up correctly to allow you to read the DIMMs on the other CPU.
If I move all four DIMM's to CPU0 then coreboot detects 2GB but hangs when initializing the memory.
That sounds like a different problem. Maybe the mux idea isn't right.
The same thing happens if I use two 1GB DIMM's.
I'd start by enabling the debugging output CONFIG_DEBUG_SMBUS. I haven't had to dig very much in that part of the code.
Thanks, Myles