Scan for VGA option rom Got ps2 nak (status=51); continuing ps2_recvbyte timeout
I can't see your VGA ROM getting run anywhere. Did I just miss it?
Nop, not working anywhere seems like Seabios doesn't find any vga rom.
You could try a more verbose setting for SeaBIOS and send the output to Kevin. I'm surprised it doesn't just work.
So I tried setting up CONFIG_SB_HT_CHAIN_ON_BUS0 to different values, no luck!
Yeah. It doesn't seem like an enumeration problem. The device tree seems like it's getting set up pretty well.
You could try having Coreboot run it with vm86 and with CONFIG_CONSOLE_VGA set to see if that works. I'm wondering why SeaBIOS isn't finding it.
CONFIG_CONSOLE_VGA was already set to 1. How do I run coreboot with vm86?
CONFIG_VGA_ROM_RUN =1 In Kconfig there's a VM86 option, but I don't see it in newconfig.
At least now at linux boot up my NICs are found but trying to initialize they got to a "Unable to allocate interrupt" :( I attach my latest log.
Did you change the mptable and irqtables to match the factory assignments?
Now, I wishing all of you a merry merry XMAS and have some nice holidays. I hope Santa, or who ever, brings you a whole bunch of new boards ;).
Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too.