#134: flashrom crashes systems with WPC876x/WPCE775x embedded controller on LPC bus () ------------------------------------------------------------+--------------- Reporter: Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@…> | Owner: somebody Type: defect | Status: closed Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: flashrom | Version: Resolution: wontfix | Keywords: aspire laptop wpce775l ec embedded controller Dependencies: | Patchstatus: there is no patch ------------------------------------------------------------+---------------
Comment(by uwe):
Replying to [comment:2 Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@…>]:
Service manual says that this laptop has WPCE775L EC that talks LPC v1.0
and that the flash chips are behind it. Also on IRC I was adviced that
< carldani> lindi-: can you please add a small statement to the ticket
which mentions the exact EC and that it translates LPC to SPI.
Hi, can you please tell us (just for reference) which Acer Aspire One model this is exactly? It seems there are multiple laptops/netbooks that are called Aspire One.
(we want to fix the string in the list of non-supported laptops at http://www.coreboot.org/Flashrom#Supported_laptops.2Fnotebooks)