On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:24:55AM -0400, Joe wrote:
I deffinatly think there should be some kind of criteria laid down for new versions.
Well, for example we have rules laid down for submitting patches to the svn right? And, those rules serve a purpose right?
Yes, definately. But keep in mind they don't control _when_ patches are submitted. ;)
Maybe, it is just me then, I work in a very structured bussiness environment, where there are rules and guidlines to everything.
I'm not saying policy is always bad, I'm just saying I think it will be tough to create a useful one for this.
And they serve their purpose for good reasons.
My "why" question wasn't asking why rules in general, but rather if you had any suggestions about specific rules for this case - ie reasons and purposes that we would make rules for.
If we can come up with some good ones then great, but I think it will be tough. If not, no big deal I say.