Thanks for your suggestions. I tried them, however, the system still hangs when jumping to boot code at 0x7c00.
Examine this file and see if it has the BIOS extension signature of 0xaa55 (or 0x55aa depending on what endian you view it as) You should also see some text iding the bios.
I enabled all shadowing and found 0xaa55 and bios copyright information at the beginning of file.
In ./util/ADLO/bochs/bios/rombios.c there should be a #define DEBUG_SERIAL. Set that to 1 and all of the bios messages will go out the serial port.
My source has DEBUG_SERIAL and by default it is enabled. Nothing appears for this default configuration.
I also tried to disabled DEBUG_SERIAL, but no video appears either.
Right now I suspect that something wrong with loder.s. My question is how to debug loader.s? Thanks again.
Simon Cheng