Here it is:
I took my time to write the linked Wall of Text® with the purpose of educating/influencing Hardware enthusiasts communities about the need to push for open source Firmwares, and perhaps with even more luck, Motherboards for x86 platforms with open Hardware designs. These are my personal thoughts and nearly all the input I have on this matter.
You will notice that there is a major difference regarding my approach and nearly everyone else that you have read talking about this matter previously. I'm not of the "INTEL ME/AMD PSP VIOLATES MY PRIVACY!1!1!1" and "THE NSA AND USA GOVERMENT ARE SPYING ON ME!" crowd. I have an actual agenda regarding functional issues where I think that an open source Firmware could kick propietary Firmware butt, and I cover it with enough detail as to drive that point.
Sadly, after having spammed it around for two weeks, I got almost no feedback. I found that extremely dissapointing, as I believe that Hardware enthusiasts are perhaps the widest audience that would love to be able to freely tinker with the Firmware. I have been personally affected with Firmware related bugs, limitations or issues on all the computers I built for myself, so I fail to understand why there isn't far more people from these communities attemping to push an open source Firmware as a major Motherboard feature, more so considering how used we are to see Motherboard manufacturers failing to give the expected level of support for their products. So, when you do hit these Firmware issues, is like headbutting a solid brick wall.