Can you afford a Tyan K8 dual-proc? Buy that with linuxbios installed by Tyan. A friend of mine from Sandia bought one and it is working for him. You can get Arima HDAMA systems from Linux NetWorx. Linux Labs will sell server-grade motherboards with LinuxBIOS installed. will well motherboards with linuxbios installed too.
We certainly don't need the extra horsepower right now. The main concerns are compatibility with our existing code which seems to be kinda picky (until I get my hands on it). I'll definately look into Tyan - I didn't know they were being cooperative. Is it only the K8 dual-proc boards, or are there others from Tyan?
I'll also look into linuxlabs and cwlinux. I think one of those two had some descriptions on their web site, but the options were limited.
I think you can get what you need if you contact the right vendors.
Finding out who the right vendors are is why I'm here! I haven't even downloaded the latest release of the code yet - its on my TO-DO list.
Thanks for your feedback!
-- Evan