* Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net [060901 02:07]:
Most PC BIOSes have a flash program in ROM, so x86emu won't help us much. The 16bit BIOS calls are just calls to that flash program.
Except Asus:
Not really a flash program but functions to enable / disable write protection of the bios chips and address spaces. There's an AWDFLASH structure that points into this. I reverse engineered this many years ago until I found out that I want to support hardware that is supported by its vendor.
I know for sure that all recent Asus boards have awdflash or similar in their ROM image.
Thats definitely not what the user land bios flashers like uniflash use. it seems they want to get rid of bios updates while the os is running completely. Not dumb, really.