On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 15:13 -0400, Peter.VanEchaute@bench.com wrote:
Hello All,
I am trying to work on getting a PCI-E card working and came across an error that I am wondering if I need to worry about. Below shows that the VGA ROM is loading, but not the ROM from the PCI-E card (at the bottom). Both of these cards are in slots and not onboard. The PCI-E card is an Ethernet card. As the device is getting a bus and resources seemingly just fine, I would think that the ROM would have been found. My question is … do all add-on cards need to load an expansion ROM or can they run just fine without it? The error in question is “Incorrect Expansion ROM Header Signature ffff”.
Are you sure there is anything on the expansion rom?
FYI on devices:
00:01.0 is the PCI-PCI bridge
02:06.0 is the VGA card on the PCI-PCI bridge
00:02.0 is the PCI-E bridge
04:00.0 is the ethernet card on the PCI-E bridge
PCI: 00:01.0 1c <- [0x0000001000 - 0x0000001fff] bus 2 io
PCI: 00:01.0 20 <- [0x00fc000000 - 0x00fdffffff] bus 2 mem
PCI: 02:06.0 10 <- [0x00fc000000 - 0x00fcffffff] mem
PCI: 02:06.0 14 <- [0x0000001000 - 0x00000010ff] io
PCI: 02:06.0 30 <- [0x00fd000000 - 0x00fdffffff] rom
PCI: 00:02.0 1c <- [0x0000002000 - 0x0000002fff] bus 4 io
PCI: 00:02.0 20 <- [0x00fe000000 - 0x00fe0fffff] bus 4 mem
PCI: 04:00.0 10 <- [0x00fe020000 - 0x00fe023fff] mem
PCI: 04:00.0 18 <- [0x0000002000 - 0x00000020ff] io
PCI: 04:00.0 30 <- [0x00fe000000 - 0x00fe01ffff] rom
PCI: 00:01.0 bridge ctrl <- 000b
PCI: 00:01.0 cmd <- 147
PCI: 02:06.0 cmd <- 143
PCI: 00:02.0 bridge ctrl <- 0007
PCI: 00:02.0 cmd <- 547
PCI: 04:00.0 cmd <- 143
PCI: 02:06.0 init
rom address for PCI: 02:06.0 = fd000000
Class Code mismatch ROM 00000003, dev 00030000
copying VGA ROM Image from fd000000 to c0000, 8000 bytes
halt_sys: file /home/vanecp/design/freebios2-3/src/devices/emulator/x86emu/ops.c
, line 4400
PCI: 04:00.0 init
rom address for PCI: 04:00.0 = fe000000
Incorrect Expansion ROM Header Signature ffff
Devices initialized
Cheers, Peter Van Echaute
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