Myles Watson wrote:
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:24 AM, ron minnich wrote:
static const u32 const * const dual_channel_slew_group_lookup[] = { static const u32 const * const single_channel_slew_group_lookup[] =
{ /home/rminnich/coreboot-v3/build/coreboot.initram_partiallylinked.o: section dual_channel_slew_group_lookup.3240 single_channel_slew_group_lookup.3241
what's it looking for here?
It wants to put the data in a special segment that likely isn't being included in the linker scripts. We've had this problem before. The linker script should be using wildcards - probably .data.rel.* or* to pull in the subsections.
I don't really have an answer, but I have a question:
Is it a types problem?
static const u32 nc[] = {...}; static const u32 const * const dual_channel_slew_group_lookup[] = { nc, nc };
I think maybe it doesn't like having unconstrained pointers with this many levels. Could you try a typedef or something like that? I was looking at southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536.c and they don't need nearly as many consts as you had.
I could be way off :)
Hmm - I think it looks right though. In the first line, you want the array to be constant, so thats correct. In the second line, you want the array to be const, you want the contents to be const u32s, and you want the pointer itself to be a const. So the first 'const u32' is the contents of the array, the second const is making the array itself constant, and the third const is making the pointer constant.