Thanks, Nico
On 2017年07月18日 16:20, Nico Huber wrote:
Hi Iru,
On 18.07.2017 09:28, Iru Cai wrote:
I found the mainboard DP port doesn't have output before kernel starts in hp/2570p ( After I added DP3 and HDMI3 in port list, the DP port had output, and cbmem log said it's DP3. However, xrandr says this port is DP2. What is the problem?
libgfxinit only knows about physical ports (i.e. how they are ordered* in the datasheet). Linux ignores ports that aren't strapped to be active (or are disabled by VBT) and renumbers the ports to fill the holes.
- The numbering is not perfect. As historically VGA was the first port (port A in datasheets), digital ports are counted from B, so DP1 is port B, DP2 is port C, etc.
Now I found /sys/class/drm_dp_aux_dev/drm_dp_aux{0,1} (Linux 4.4) and `cat /sys/class/drm_dp_aux_dev/*/name` gives me: DPDDC-B DPDDC-D
So should the ports be DP1 and DP3?