#119: Winbond W39V040FBPZ is not written correctly by flashrom -----------------------------------------+---------------------------------- Reporter: charles.herndon@… | Owner: somebody Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: flashrom | Version: v2 Keywords: W39V040FBPZ | Dependencies: Patchstatus: there is no patch | -----------------------------------------+----------------------------------
Comment(by charles.herndon@…):
Replying to [comment:2 hailfinger]:
strace is unable to see any flashrom activity because flashrom does not
use syscalls. (There are no syscalls for flashing.)
So if you think flashrom does nothing at all, it is still doing
something, but no utility like strace can see it.
The Winbond chips are really problematic. If we try to program them
according to their data sheets, they fail sometimes. Any insight is appreciated. No other chip vendor has these problems.
I'm willing to provide any information you need. The only thing I do know about this chip is that by mistake I was successful programming it with an EEPROM programmer using the settings for SST49LF004 (I forgot to change models to the Winbond part)